
For these, I am truly thankful

This thanksgiving, i have so much to be thankful for. i almost don't even know where to start!
1. I am thankful for my mom and brother who have been so supportive of me and moving to Florida. They supported me even when everyone else thought I was crazy.
2. i am thankful for my family. It's so weird not being with them this thanksgiving, and i will definitely miss family dinner and all our interesting, and completely inappropriate, dinner conversations.
3. i am thankful for my wonderful job that i enjoy doing every day and that has led to more opportunities than I thought possible with the magical moments team I was put on.
4. i am thankful for my managers who are simply the best. i got really lucky.
5. i am thankful for my amazing fellow cast members who i love to see every day at work and who make me laugh all the time. Again, I got really lucky.
6. i am thankful to live in Florida and being able to go to Disneyworld whenever i want. :)
7. i am thankful to have 4 amazing roommates who all get along and who I want to hang out with. Not everyone likes their roommates and mine have become my family here.
8. i am thankful for my friends back home who have been supportive of my move here.
9. i am thankful for my professor who has been so patient with me and getting my assignments turned in much later than the original due dates. :)
10. i am thankful for the chance to prove people wrong. i know that one sounds kind of mean, but i know some people who read this blog who were not supportive of me when i first applied to this program and who didn't think I would stay. I am glad that i was strong enough to prove those people wrong.

I could probably go on and on of things i am thankful for today, but those are my top choices.
I hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving and enjoys the time spent with friends and family.


we interrupt this broadcast...

I know I've been slacking on blogging lately, but things are crazy busy here in good old Orlando.

I promise to catch up soon.


Mickey's very merry christmas party

So, last night I went to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas party at the Magic Kingdom. Holy Cow! It was so amazing! i had the absolute best time ever. I think the pictures do most of the talking here, so i won't add many words. i have them all posted on my facebook, so either friend me or check them out if we're already friends. (and if we aren't, what the heck are you waiting for? :) )

Dopey went MIA for some reason during some photos- feel free to call me the 8th dwarf- Clumsy. :)

Yay! I finally got my picture with Minnie and Mickey!

Isn't it gorgeous?! and it's a thousand times prettier than even the pictures show.

This is my friend Julie who was visiting for a week who i went to the party with. She was a CP as well, and still works for Disney.

Bet you can't guess what will probably happen with this picture. :)


Christmas is in the air- can you feel it?


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Sorry for a short and sweet post today, but I'm having a bad pain day and just not feeling that great. However, I am super excited because Christmas is in full swing here at Disney. Tomorrow night i am going to Mickey's Christmas party with a friend from school who is here visiting and i cannot wait! Trust me, there will be tons more pictures in the next few days!