
I'm a 10

So, one of my goals down here at Disney was to loose weight. I've never been a small girl, and really don't have any intentions of being a size 2. I'd look funny being that small. i have a more athletic build that I've always been proud of. I didn't really have body issues like many teen girls have. When i had to stop playing sports because of my knees, i gained weight. Let's face it, when you have no choice but to sit on your butt for months on end because you are in an immobilizer, you naturally gain weight. i had tried to loose weight before but never had much luck. Twice before when I was on vacation i did loose weight however. I wondered if maybe because i wasn't in my normal environment that would help me loose some extra pounds. i also knew that each apartment complex had fitness centers and i had every intention of utilizing it when i got here.

Cut to today- i have yet to set foot in the fitness center. Oops. The truth is that I just don't have time. I don't like working in a gym with other people watching me. Plus it makes me feel like i am back in physical therapy again and it gives me panic attacks. (sorry scott, you know I love ya but physical therapy is not fun!) I had already noticed though that i was loosing weight. After I did the 5k walk a couple of weeks ago, I started walking most mornings. I got a pedometer at the walk and wore it around on my first walk to see how far it was. Turned out to be about 2 miles. Great! I can handle that.

That night i wore the pedometer to work. Mind you, i work in the resort, not the park. i work in a small store. Nothing is that far away and i don't the shops are relatively small. Imagine my surprise when I got home and realized that the walk from my apartment to the bus stop, walking at work, and walking back home from the bus stop was over 5 miles! For real? Yes, for real. No wonder i was loosing weight. I was walking so much at work, especially compared to sitting at a desk at my job back home, plus, i don't know if you know this or not, but Florida gets really hot in the summer. Hot like, you will see the salt from your sweat on your skin. i was literally sweating off inches.

I have had to get a new costume at work 3 times. This is exciting. But i didn't know how that would translate into normal clothes. i love Disney, but no matter who you are, those costumes will give you a complex about your size and weight. i wasn't sure how my weight loss would translate outside of my costume. I mean, i knew my shorts weren't fitting (they were starting to fall of literally) but I wasn't sure exactly what size i was anymore.

I walked over the outlet malls by my apartment (i have no car, so i can only walk anywhere, whole other issue that i won't get into) because the temperature has been getting much more comfortable here lately. i thought I'd try on some jeans since i needed some anyway.

Imagine how excited i was when I tried these on and saw that i looked like that in the mirror!!! I Couldn't believe it! i really am looking pretty good! i fit into a size 10! Now, honestly speaking, i have never been a size 10. Even when i was in middle and high school i was at least a 12. Most women don't want to say what size they wear, but whatever. i don't really care that much. I've always been bigger, but i dressed in my size so I never looked as big as I was, if that makes sense. i dressed for my body, not the body i wished that i had.

I am so happy to show you my jeans and the size tag. i can't believe that i've managed to loose that much weight. i am so excited and proud of myself for this. I think it's been a combination of getting out of my old environment that i had been in for 24 years and that also reminded me on a daily basis of all my knee problems, having a job where i am on my feet all day, getting out and walking, eating better since i don't have a car to get fast food all the time, and having to walk anywhere i need to go. When you get into the parks at Disney for free and you can't go anywhere else, you walk a lot. It's been amazing. I am just so happy and excited! Who thought I'd ever be able to say i was a 10! :)

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