

I thought I'd add just a couple of pictures that go from a few blogs I've already done but didn't have the pictures from. I really should be working on one of the ten million projects that i have to do (ok, I'm exagerating just a little bit there) but sharing pictures is so much more fun.

This is the group picture from the Orlando heartwalk. These are the other CP's (college program) that did the walk. We also had a ton of VoluntEARS that work for Disney there, but we got a group picture of just those of us here on the college program too. I'm on the right hand side in the second row.

This is me and one of my roommates, Sara. We did the walk together. We took this picture about 6:30 am, before we actually started the walk. We even got Duffy Bears. We are that cool. :)

Last but not least, we actually have a group picture of all my roommates! A couple weeks ago we all had the same day off so we decided to go to Blizzard Beach, one of the water parks at Disney. I'd like it pointed out that I did almost all of the rides, and if you know me, you know I don't really like rides that much. I was proud, especially when i did the double dipper- an enclosed slide that drops straight down twice. Yes, i did it.

from front to back, and left to right is Melissa, Amanda, Lindsey, me, Sara, and Raelynn.

That's all I've got for today. I'm so far behind on other projects right now, so i need to get off my blog and off facebook and start working. We'll catch up again soon!

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