
A-tisket, a-tasket

Yes, I'm a total Ella Fitzgerald fan. i love jazz music, especially from the 20's and 30's. I wonder sometimes if i was born in the wrong era, because all that jazz from 1920's and 30's absolutely intrigues me. I certainly could do without the great depression, but we could argue I've lived through that too in 2010 and 11, but that's a whole other story. I just thought that song would make a great blog title today because I've got lots of different things to share that don't really go together. So here's a little bit of this and a little bit of that, and some of my pictures too.

Ever since I did the heart walk last week, i have been walking each day. I laid out a path to walk around the apartments, and used my new pedometer to measure it, and it's about two miles. i figure that's pretty good. I actually wore that pedometer on monday to work, just out of curiosity- I worked 4.5 miles at work alone! It's no wonder I'm loosing weight! By the way, i don't think I shared this yet, but i have dropped two costume sizes at work since i've been here. None of the shorts that I brought with me fit anymore. Its very exciting for me. :)

I think today i am getting my first case of home sickness, but it's probably not what you think it is. All over facebook people are talking about how much cooler it is getting back home. I see commercials about it being fall, and today is obviously the first day of fall. i've been following football back home (come on GV, what gives? two losses in a row?) and hearing about people wanting to go to pumpkin patches and apple orchards, and it makes me sad. It's still in the 90's around here. I'm feeling a little bummed out that I'm missing fall. i always love that kind of thing, carving pumpkins and drinking hot cocoa and wearing jeans and hoodies, but that's not happening here. It makes me miss home just a little bit. Plus it's artprize again, and i have to miss it. Someone take lots of pictures of this stuff for me and put it on facebook so I can see it. I really do miss it.

Big news here! i hadn't had a chance to share this one yet, but it's big news. I was chosen to be put on a team at work to develop new Magical Moments at the resort. At Disney, each location has what we call Magical Moments, which are things that each place does that are something unique to that location. They aren't big things but just something special. About two weeks ago i found out I was put on this team. i was hand chosen by my managers to be part of this 4 person team. So exciting right? Well, I later found out that the reason we have this team is because our General Manager of the resort wanted it done. The resort gets lots of feedback about housekeeping and food and front desk, but they rarely hear anything about merchandise. She passed it on to our area manager who passed it my managers who picked me and 3 other people to come up with new ideas to implement. I've been here one month and was chosen for this. I'm so excited about it. We've got so many ideas. It's definitely a lot more work for me on top of being in school, but this could be a huge opening for me. With my name on some of these projects, i could be asked to stay and work. I could end up doing all kinds of things at Disney just because i did this as a CP. It's such an honor to know that my managers think I'm good enough for this. They picked me. Can you believe it?! i can't wait to see if our ideas are accepted and how people respond to them. i have a really great group that I'm working with and so far management seems really happy with our ideas. I'll have to keep you all posted as to what happens next.

I knew Disney was a magical place, but I didn't expect all of this to happen. My dreams are literally coming true. I am in this amazing place and having the most amazing experiences. I didn't think all this would happen, especially in just 6 weeks. i'm curious to see what happens in the next 6 weeks, and the next. Who knows, this could be just the beginning!

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