
ending a chapter

Just a quick update tonight-
I'm sitting in my living room surrounded by boxes and piles of all kinds of stuff and just finished my last day of work at yacht and beach club. It's such a strange feeling! I don't even know how to handle it all. I'm feeling so many things, and i know I'll feel more over the next couple days.
Tonight ended the way these things should always end. My last guest tonight asked me if I would mind if she put me on her prayer list. How incredible is that?! We were just talking about how it was my last night and that i was going back home, and she asked me if she could pray for me. I cannot think of a better way to end my last night at work. Then we spent time taking pictures, signing photos and things, and lots of hugs. It was so incredible.

I feel so weird- happy, sad, excited, scared, probably the same things everyone else is feeling. I was describing it to a friend from work and my roommate, that i just have this feeling like anything in the world could happen right now. It's that overwhelming, exillerating, scary, and exciting feeling like the world is literally at your fingertips. I've never known what that felt like before, but it's such a wonderful feeling. i wish I could describe it better, but there just aren't words. Not sure if I'll get to write again before i leave in only 31 hours, probably not, but I'll write once i get home and settled in again. I have so much to say, but I'm just can't even find the words just yet.

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