
a disney DIY

So, I recently discovered this great website called Pinterest, which if you are not on it you would not know that this website is one that a person like me should NOT be on! There are all kinds of DIY projects, recipes, crafts, decor, etc on this site and I spend a little too much time on it already. Anyway, i found this recipe there via a friends blog, and decided it would be perfect for my friends at work for Christmas. i wanted to do something, but we certainly don't make enough money to buy presents for everyone, and you can't do some and not others, and i already spent too much money on my family for christmas, and maybe bought myself a few presents too. :) So, here's my project. Mickey ornaments:

1. Get your ingredients together. You don't need much- just salt, flour, and water. 2. Mix 1/2 cup salt and 1 cup flour.

3. Add 1/2 cup water.

4. mix flour, salt and water.5. kneed the dough a little bit to make sure everything is combined together.

6. Roll the dough out on a flat surface, I did between a 1/4 and 1/2 inch, preferably with a rolling pin and not the water bottle like i improvised with. Hey, whatever works. Cut the dough out with a cookie cutter in whatever shape you want. i chose Mickey because it's for my Disney friends.

7. Place the shapes on a baking sheet. Be sure to cut out a hole so that you can hang the ornaments after they are done. i used a pen top and it worked perfectly. The dough is very easy to cut.

8. bake shapes at 200 degrees for 4 hours. i needed to do them longer. You don't want the dough to be soft. It needs to be durable, so longer is better. ***fair warning: if you try to bake them faster at a higher temperature, they will burn. I experimented. :)***

9. Once the shapes have cooled- I let mine sit overnight- you can decorate them however you choose. i painted mine black because Mickey is black, plus I had another idea I wanted to do with them. I used ceramic paint, but you could use anything.

10. Once the paint is all dry- thanks to my roomie Amanda for painting mine while i was at work!- I wanted them to say our resort name on the ornament so everyone would remember our time together. i used a silver sharpie to write on my ornaments and it worked perfectly.

All my ornaments have CP on one ear (for college program), the year of our program on the other ear, and our resort name in the middle.

Last but not least, simply string ribbon through the hole you made before baking and all done!

i sure hope they all like their presents!

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