
I'm finally here!

So, I did make it to Orlando, no luggage lost, and have been all checked in for almost a week already. It's crazy to me that time has already gone by that fast. In so many ways it feels like I've been here forever, and in other ways it almost feels natural, kind of like being home. It's a strange feeling, but a good one. I really like it here. I am rooming with 5 other girls and so far we all get along really well. I have been training at my job for 4 days now and i really like that too. I was out on the floor today ringing up customers and my trainers said I was a natural. It's amazing how many things i encounter that continue to prove that my changing majors was the best decision for me. Everyday I am given signs that i am doing the right thing. I know that some days may get hard, but the overall message is that i am right where i should be.

All that being said, I thought I'd share some pictures of my apartment. We have three bedrooms, and the best part is that each bedroom has their own bathroom! I really love that part. :)
This is my room and my bed. It's a little messy, but it wouldn't be mine if it wasn't a little messy!

This is the view from our balcony. Yes we have a balcony to sit out on. However, we are in central Florida in August, so trust me when I say, you don't really want to sit out here much yet. Our apartment is in the very back corner of the complex, which is not convenient especially when the bus picks up at the other complex and we have to walk. I guess it's good exercise, right?

Here is the view directly to the left of the door. We have a really nice table, and yes, we've all eaten together at the table. That closet there, it doesn't open. We do however have one when you walk in for coats and stuff. Right now, it's mostly stuff.

Here's the kitchen. We even have a dishwasher. Very nice. We however did not have a toaster or coffee maker. I don't really care about either, but my roommates did, so they got that stuff.

Here's the living room. It's not decorated, and that's because we can't. We can't use anything with adhesive because it may damage the walls. Stupid rule in my opinion. The room looks so boring.

So friends, this is where i live! I'll have to get pictures of my resort and costume so you can see those things too. I'm really excited to see what happens while I'm here. I think big things could happen, and I'm looking forward to it. You'll just have to stay tuned!

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