

I thought I'd add just a couple of pictures that go from a few blogs I've already done but didn't have the pictures from. I really should be working on one of the ten million projects that i have to do (ok, I'm exagerating just a little bit there) but sharing pictures is so much more fun.

This is the group picture from the Orlando heartwalk. These are the other CP's (college program) that did the walk. We also had a ton of VoluntEARS that work for Disney there, but we got a group picture of just those of us here on the college program too. I'm on the right hand side in the second row.

This is me and one of my roommates, Sara. We did the walk together. We took this picture about 6:30 am, before we actually started the walk. We even got Duffy Bears. We are that cool. :)

Last but not least, we actually have a group picture of all my roommates! A couple weeks ago we all had the same day off so we decided to go to Blizzard Beach, one of the water parks at Disney. I'd like it pointed out that I did almost all of the rides, and if you know me, you know I don't really like rides that much. I was proud, especially when i did the double dipper- an enclosed slide that drops straight down twice. Yes, i did it.

from front to back, and left to right is Melissa, Amanda, Lindsey, me, Sara, and Raelynn.

That's all I've got for today. I'm so far behind on other projects right now, so i need to get off my blog and off facebook and start working. We'll catch up again soon!


A-tisket, a-tasket

Yes, I'm a total Ella Fitzgerald fan. i love jazz music, especially from the 20's and 30's. I wonder sometimes if i was born in the wrong era, because all that jazz from 1920's and 30's absolutely intrigues me. I certainly could do without the great depression, but we could argue I've lived through that too in 2010 and 11, but that's a whole other story. I just thought that song would make a great blog title today because I've got lots of different things to share that don't really go together. So here's a little bit of this and a little bit of that, and some of my pictures too.

Ever since I did the heart walk last week, i have been walking each day. I laid out a path to walk around the apartments, and used my new pedometer to measure it, and it's about two miles. i figure that's pretty good. I actually wore that pedometer on monday to work, just out of curiosity- I worked 4.5 miles at work alone! It's no wonder I'm loosing weight! By the way, i don't think I shared this yet, but i have dropped two costume sizes at work since i've been here. None of the shorts that I brought with me fit anymore. Its very exciting for me. :)

I think today i am getting my first case of home sickness, but it's probably not what you think it is. All over facebook people are talking about how much cooler it is getting back home. I see commercials about it being fall, and today is obviously the first day of fall. i've been following football back home (come on GV, what gives? two losses in a row?) and hearing about people wanting to go to pumpkin patches and apple orchards, and it makes me sad. It's still in the 90's around here. I'm feeling a little bummed out that I'm missing fall. i always love that kind of thing, carving pumpkins and drinking hot cocoa and wearing jeans and hoodies, but that's not happening here. It makes me miss home just a little bit. Plus it's artprize again, and i have to miss it. Someone take lots of pictures of this stuff for me and put it on facebook so I can see it. I really do miss it.

Big news here! i hadn't had a chance to share this one yet, but it's big news. I was chosen to be put on a team at work to develop new Magical Moments at the resort. At Disney, each location has what we call Magical Moments, which are things that each place does that are something unique to that location. They aren't big things but just something special. About two weeks ago i found out I was put on this team. i was hand chosen by my managers to be part of this 4 person team. So exciting right? Well, I later found out that the reason we have this team is because our General Manager of the resort wanted it done. The resort gets lots of feedback about housekeeping and food and front desk, but they rarely hear anything about merchandise. She passed it on to our area manager who passed it my managers who picked me and 3 other people to come up with new ideas to implement. I've been here one month and was chosen for this. I'm so excited about it. We've got so many ideas. It's definitely a lot more work for me on top of being in school, but this could be a huge opening for me. With my name on some of these projects, i could be asked to stay and work. I could end up doing all kinds of things at Disney just because i did this as a CP. It's such an honor to know that my managers think I'm good enough for this. They picked me. Can you believe it?! i can't wait to see if our ideas are accepted and how people respond to them. i have a really great group that I'm working with and so far management seems really happy with our ideas. I'll have to keep you all posted as to what happens next.

I knew Disney was a magical place, but I didn't expect all of this to happen. My dreams are literally coming true. I am in this amazing place and having the most amazing experiences. I didn't think all this would happen, especially in just 6 weeks. i'm curious to see what happens in the next 6 weeks, and the next. Who knows, this could be just the beginning!


Orlando Heart Walk

Today I did something that i honestly never thought I'd do. Today i participated in my very first 5K walk here in Orlando. I had an opportunity through Disney VoluntEARS to participate in a 3 mile walk/run in greater Orlando to raise money for heart disease and stroke. My grandpa died of heart attack nearly 20 years ago and my step-grandpa survived a heart attack this past year. Heart disease runs in my family, so I knew this was going to be a great opportunity to do something that means a lot to me and that hits close to home. Given my medical history however, i thought all hope was lost in ever participating in any kind of walk/race. I wasn't sure if I should even do this walk, but I also thought why not? Why not give it a try? I knew i wouldn't have to run, and I do like to walk, so it seemed like a great opportunity. Besides, I had to do some volunteering for one of my classes and one of my roommates wanted to do the walk as well.

I had so much fun today! I actually did something that i never thought I'd be able to accomplish. It felt so good to participate in something meaningful and not have anyone question whether or not I was okay, whether or not my knees hurt, are you sure you should be doing this, aren't you scared of getting hurt...

I did it. i finished. I feel so good about myself tonight. i even went for another walk tonight! I've always wanted to participate in different events like the breast cancer walk or the american cancer society walk, but I never thought I'd be able to. Now i know i can. For a girl who never should have been able to walk, i think that speaks volumes.

all ready to walk!

just some of the Disney VoluntEARS that were there today.

We had over 15,000 people walking today, and over 1.1 million dollars was raised.

I even got a Duffy the Disney Bear and a flag, among other things today. I can't wait to do my next walk. It feels so good to know that i can do it.


One month

One month ago today I got on a plane and came to Florida.

One month ago today I left everything I love behind and moved to a brand new place.

One month ago today I started a brand new adventure on my own.

i can't believe I've been in Orlando for an entire month already. I've been living with 5 roommates in our own apartment for a month. I am so amazed by this, to think that I've been on my own for that long. Most other people have either lived on their own before at school, but I never have. It is a big deal for me, but it's also not as hard as i thought it would be. i like doing my own grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning. I like being on my own, not having to answer to anyone. It's such a good feeling and I'm enjoying it so much.

PS- i finally got in touch with the doctors office- actually my mom did- and my paperwork is finally being done for my job modifications at work. It got put on my doctor's desk and was never filled out.


last but not least, the moment people have been waiting for, a picture of my costume at work.

We got a little bored the other day at work and my friend Amanda and i decided to show off some of the merchandise that we sell in the store. We almost sold one of the backpacks because we were wearing them while working. Now that it's after labor day, the hotels are not nearly as busy as they were when we first started. We still have fun though. :) oh, and by the way, that costume is a size 12, and i haven't been a size 12 since I was in middle school. I love Florida!


random ramblings

So, if you ever wanted a glimpse into my head, here's your chance. Fair warning, it's kind of scary in here. I tend to have the most random thoughts buzzing around in my head at all times, most of them don't connect well, and the often sound just plain weird. I'll try to keep them focused on Disney and my time here, but you've been warned- I may drift off. :)

random thought 1- you cannot see stars here! It's really kind of depressing. Back home, you can walk out and see the stars in the sky. In Orlando, you can't. That's one thing I really miss.

random thought 2- when you work for disney, the day of the week means nothing. The fact that today was friday or that this coming monday is labor day means absolutely nothing. It's all about "do I work today or do I have today off?" The actual day- no one cares.

random thought 3- I so wish I had a car here. Relying on the bus is such a pain the butt, especially when they don't take you all the places you need or want to go. I don't mind having to take it work or home if i can't get one of my co-workers, sorry, cast members, to bring me home. It's difficult when you need to go to Target or to the mall, or just want to get something to eat. I have to wait and see if any of my roommates with cars are going anywhere and bum a ride with them. It's very frustrating. I think I can honestly say that if i just had a car here I'd be completely set and happy.

random thought 4- i am literally shrinking. my need for the mall is not because I'm a girl- it's because my clothes seriously don't fit anymore. I put a skirt on the other day, and i could slide it right off without unbuttoning it. a couple pairs of shorts, if I put my phone in my pocket i start sagging. It's not a pretty sight. I'd be more excited about this if I could actually get to the store and get some new clothes.

random thought 5- this may be a little early to say this, but I have no desire whatsoever to go home. i could stay here in a second. I love my job, I work with fantastic people, I like the area, there's a lot to do (if i had a car) and the weather doesn't bother me. i do not want to go home in January, and will probably do whatever i can to stay here.

random thought 6- I feel myself changing already for the better since I've been here. I feel much more laid back and relaxed. Even at work. I goof around more and joke with people and just don't feel so tense. I'm not quite so guarded as i was before. I don't feel like i have to be so controlled all the time. i think what is really happening is that I'm finally getting the chance to be the college kid that i never was. With all my surgeries, i just existed in the world like i had to to survive. i wasn't like anyone else and didn't get to have those experiences of being carefree. Now i am getting that chance. It's a wonderful feeling.

That's my randoms for now. I'm sure I'll come up with more as soon as this posts, so I'll keep a list. I love being here. i just saw "the festival of the lion king" yesterday with one of my roommates, and i feel like I'm in that circle of life, you know that part of the song where it talks about moving through "dispair and hope, through faith and love, til we find our place on the path unwinding"? I feel like that's where i am, finally getting past that phase of dispair and moving on to the hope. I knew i wanted this experience to change me, and i feel like it already is. and for the better. My heart is so full.